A little about me

I’m a Design Researcher and Service Designer with experience in healthcare systems and spaces where the Social Determents of Health impact individual health outcomes. I focus on large-scale problems that systemically impact customers, employees, and organizations using my expertise to surface human-centered insights that drive opportunities for new experiences, services, and products. I excel in interactive or observational research, approach problems with a behavior design lens, and am always excited to use visual/verbal storytelling to paint a picture of the path to the future.

Also, you will notice I am a cosmetologist, and you might wonder how that makes me an asset to your research and design team. As a business owner, educator, and bridal coordinator, I was responsible for every aspect of my success, from advertising and managing my website to client scheduling and coordinating a team of special event stylists. Behind the chair, I spent more than a decade learning the art of understanding difficult-to-express human needs and cultivating client relationships based on my ability to translate my client’s vision into a reality.

I left that career behind to follow a passion for personal growth and found a love for creative problem-solving and a desire to support the voices of those most impacted by faulty systems and a lack of empathetic design. 

My name is Jessica, you can call me Jess. Nice to electronically make your acquaintance!